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Toric Lens

Most patients with cataracts also suffer from astigmatism. When they undergo cataract surgery and the surgeon uses a standard lens implant, which is incapable of correcting astigmatism, they are often disappointed with their vision.

Toric IOLs are implantable intraocular lenses that  are designed to correct astigmatism, providing patients with exceptionally clear vision and often eliminating the need for glasses after cataract surgery. Astigmatism is extremely common both before and after cataract surgery – especially cataract surgery performed up until five years ago. Here at Barossa Eye Clinic, Dr de Wit has a special interest in correcting astigmatism as he firmly believes astigmatism causes noticeable changes in patients vision. In the past, intraocular lenses were unable to correct this condition. Instead, eye surgeons were required to perform limbal relaxing incisions (LRI), which involves making small incisions along the cornea. This allows the cornea to relax into a rounder shape, which improves the astigmatism. Though it is still performed to this day for some patients, the LRI procedure has its limitations. It’s difficult to predict the results, and in many cases the surgery cannot fully correct the astigmatism. Conversely, toric premium IOLs offer a safe and highly effective alternative to the LRI procedure – one that is capable of producing predictable outcomes.


Cataracts form during the natural aging process and astigmatism develops when your eye develops an abnormal curve usually at a young age, also resulting in blurry vision. Dr. De Wit and his team aim to correct both of these conditions in a single procedure. Prior to the surgery, Dr. De Wit and his team will take a number of precise measurements, allowing them to select the toric IOL power and implant orientation that will most successfully correct your astigmatism. On the morning of your procedure, you will need to avoid eating for at least six hours. To begin the operation, Dr. De Wit will numb your eye with drops and/or an injection. He may also administer medication to help you relax. Although you will be awake during surgery and able to see light and movement, you will not be able to see what the doctor is doing to your eyes. The surgical procedure is very similar to standard cataract surgery with a microincision and removal of the clouded lens with high ultrasound energy. However, the toric lens requires precision orientation to be fully effective and Dr De Wit employ various techniques to ensure this is done correctly. After spending about 30 minutes in the recovery room, you should be able to return home to begin the healing process. During the first few days, you should avoid rubbing the area and getting soap or water directly in your eyes. In addition, you will need to make a follow-up appointment at the Barossa Eye Clinic the next day for us to review your surgery and make sure you understand the eye drop medication usage.


Toric IOLs deliver a wide range of benefits when compared to traditional implantable intraocular lens solutions. Some of the most important advantages include:

  • The ability to correct astigmatism. The Toric lens features a unique design that counteracts the curvature of astigmatism, drastically improving clarity and reducing optical blurring for our patients.
  • Enhanced distance vision. Toric lenses are very effective in improving distance vision and enabling our patients to see faraway objects clearly once again.
  • Increased colour perception. Once Toric lenses are implanted, many of our patients at the Barossa Eye Clinic experience better, richer and more vibrant colour perception, allowing them to see the world with brand new eyes.

In addition, these premium Toric lenses are very rarely associated with glare or halos around lights, so many of our patients are able to resume night driving after their procedure.

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